Pattern Recognition

This visually arresting work, draws on Alexander Whitley’s interests in philosophy, technology and design, seeking to redefine the boundaries between dance and other art forms. 

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Alexander Whitley and digital artist Memo Akten join forces at the cutting edge of dance and motion-responsive technology. Opening up questions about learning and memory in relation to artificial intelligence, Pattern Recognition furthers a line of enquiry explored in the company’s previous work.

Continuing a collaborative relationship initiated in the making of The Measures Taken, AWDC's first production, Whitley and Akten have been working to develop and use as the basis of the choreography a responsive system of moving lights which can track, learn from and intelligently respond to the two dancers it observes. 

I see the awakening of consciousness as a series of spaced flashes, with the intervals between them gradually diminishing until bright blocks of perception are formed, affording memory a slippery hold.
— Vladimir Nabokov



The Measures Taken