Created in 2019, this mesmerising production asks what it means to be human in the era of big data, seeking to connect with the increasing strangeness of life in a world overflowing with information.

Hyper-stimulated by algorithmically personalised streams of media and increasingly dependent on ‘likes’ as a measure of self-worth, emotions have replaced things as the driving force of consumption, fracturing experience into ‘jittery, schizoid intervals’ (Radical Technologies by Adam Greenfield).
Poised between an overexcited human emotionality and the all-seeing eye of big data, Overflow seeks to connect with the increasing strangeness of life in a world overflowing with information.
Through a series of intimate solos and expansive group sequences featuring Whitley’s distinctively intricate choreography, Overflow holds a space of tension between fantasy and tragedy, leaving us to ponder our future as our relationship with technology becomes ever more enmeshed.
Overflow features a dazzling kinetic light sculpture created by Children of the Light and programmed by Luca Biada, lighting by Guy Hoare, costumes and biometric face masks by award winning designer Ana Rajcevic and an original score by Rival Consoles.